Top Reasons Why You Must Consider Invisalign Treatment Over Braces

Invisalign is a set of removable, practically invisible aligners that gradually shift your teeth into place. Clear aligners may be a great alternative to conventional braces for those who are self-conscious about having their teeth straightened. In this article, we’ll look at some of the advantages provided by clear aligners and reasons why you must choose these devices as your preferable treatment option. Read on to discover the many advantages of transparent aligners, as recommended by orthodontics Seattle.



You can still continue a normal cleaning routine

With Invisalign, you may continue brushing and flossing normally since the aligners can be removed. When you don't have to clean around braces, brushing and flossing become considerably less of a hassle. Because of where the brackets and wires are attached to your teeth, you may have trouble chewing certain foods. Without proper dental hygiene, issues like dental cavities may develop on teeth because bacteria feeds on sugar. Cleaning before wearing your aligners and keeping the trays clean can help you maintain proper dental hygiene.

Keep on eating what you like

When straightening teeth with Invisalign, patients are not limited in their food choices. Due to Invisalign's ability to be removed, you won't have to give up any of your favorite meals. If you want to keep your clear aligners from being stained, wash your teeth after every meal. People undergoing orthodontic treatment, such as when they have braces, cannot consume sticky or difficult-to-chew foods like caramel popcorn.

You don’t have to worry about pointy wires

If you use braces, your cheek might be pricked by a wire that is too long or hasn't been clipped correctly. Aligners don't need annual adjustments as traditional braces do. Instead, you'll see the Seattle Invisalign dentist periodically to have your progress checked and get the next set of aligners in your series. As you complete each set, you'll get one step closer to a beautiful smile.

Consult an orthodontist today!

Feel free to consult with a dentist about Invisalign if you want to know more about the treatment procedure.

About Smiles On 35th:

Smiles On 35th is a well known and established clinic which provides complete orthodontic treatments. The clinic houses a team of expert dentists and staff to help patients with high quality dental treatments including cosmetic dentistry Seattle.

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